About Us
After completing more than 33 years of dedicated and devoted service in a premier Defence R & D Organization in Government of India, I had an option to lead an easy and comfortable life with my family and friends. But prevailing conditions of majority farmers all over the country forced me to do something in this field. Having a rural background coupled with deep roots of agriculture also motivated me to take initiative for doing something that is tangible in nature where I could make some impact in increasing the farmer’s income as well as facilitating them to provide quality organic products to people for their mutual benefit and to have a healthy and wealthy life.

This encouraged me to explore possibilities in the area of organic farming on my ancestral agriculture land. I started working on this project “Amazing Kisan” based on my experience gained during my service career. While doing this project, I was surprised to know that there is a gap of information and knowledge in field of agriculture and farming, from beginning to harvesting. Another area which needs attention is selection of plants/seeds, pruning, composting, care, irrigation, harvesting and selling. Therefore, I decided to create a platform (Amazing Kisan) for providing optimal knowledge in where farmers can help each other’s by sharing their intangible information and knowledge.

Keeping this idea in mind, a concept of Amazing Kisan emerged. Through this concept I am planning to share all the work done at our farm using popular Digital technologies e.g. videos and e-publications. Amazing Kisan is an innovative platform on YouTube which is having more 8000 subscribers at present. Based on the mutually exchanged information, knowledge and feedback from farmers, agriculture scientists, experts and general public encouraged me to write and publish some documents related to organic farming in an easy and simple language for the utilisation of farmers who are willing to adopt indigenously developed innovative techniques and technologies.
We are also planning to organise one conference every year based on the organic farming and products in various parts of the country. This will open the scope for the farmer to share their experiences, problems and achievements and get the solution. Presently Amazing Kisan has a group of more than 150 farmers on Telegram (A social media app) on Internet where they are able to discuss their day to day problems related to agriculture and farming and able to get the instant solutions. This novel concept encouraged many youth to start organic farming as their full time carrier. On the basis of this platform we have a plan to sell organic farm products directly to the customers. Therefore, it will serve two purpose (i) to encourage large number of farmers to adopt organic farming in order to enhance their production and simultaneously this will result into increasing their income, and (ii) to develop an appreciation and confidence among customers that organic products quality is far better for their healthy life style in comparison to the products grown with harmful chemical pesticides and fertilizers. We are delighted to have your views and queries to make this mission successful in the interest of future generations and healthy and wealthy nation.